WOD – Friday 8/28

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, squat clean and jerk base warm-up
3 to 5 reps at each position
High hang dip and drives
High hang dip, drive and high pulls
High hang muscle clean
High hang power clean
Front squat
Strict press
Hang power clean
Front squat
Push press
Power clean
Front squat
Push jerk

Weightlifting complex – 2 power cleans + 2 front squats + 2 jerks
Not an open session, every 2:00 hit the percentages based off your 1RM power clean and jerk.

Every 2:00 complete
6 SA KB swings right
6 front rack squats right
6 SA KB jerks right
Then, switch sides.

12 min AMRAP
12 box jump overs
9 S2OH (135/95#)
6 bar muscle-ups
Rest :30 between round

12 min AMRAP
12 box jump overs
9e DB S2OH
6 strict pulls – make them hard
Rest :30 between round

Fathom – 12 min AMRAP with a short rest after every round
Gear – let’s go! 4th gear with almost a slightly irresponsible pace.
Knots – the barbell should be heavier than normal and the gymnastic movement should be a little harder. So whether that is the Rx weight and bar muscle-ups or a scaled weight and a slightly easier pull find something that is challenging but in your ability to complete reps virtually unbroken. If the bar is too heavy or the gymnastic movement is too difficult you will be taking way too many breaks. So be realistic when finding the right progression.
Current – bring your dot to the rig and make sure you all have enough space for your bar muscle-ups, C2B, pull-ups, or ring rows.

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