WOD – Friday 8/19

Spend 2 min in Z1
Then 4 rounds of
10 wall balls
5 pull-ups

Prep for the clean and jerk – stretches using the rig and barbell, coaches choice

Clean and Jerk – working up to WOD weight, focusing on cycling of barbell.
*use this time to build in weight but with a different purpose. Do not work towards a max weight for a single,rather work towards a max weight that you can cycle. Use this time to learn how to use the catch of the clean as the dip of the jerk. Think sets of 5 here.

“Do you ever do the Dougie?”
With a partner, mile must be run together, reps can be split however you want
1 mile run
150 wall balls
75 burpees
50 clean and jerks (135/95#)(115/75#)
10 rope climbs
*those that cannot rope climb (or use the knotted rope), should do sets of 10 T2B/K2E, alternate between partners

Accessory Work
Running add on for the week. The running add on is not built to be done right after class. Fit it in somewhere in your fitness week. In replacement of a strength, instead of a WOD or as a second session. Take the time to warm-up and stretch, do not just jump right in.
All done as doubles;
Run for 4 min w/a :40 rest, x2
Run for 3 min w/a :30 rest, x2
Run for 2 min w/a :20 rest, x2
Run for 1 min w/a :10 rest, x2
All paces of these runs should be comfortable and sustainable. But you should increase your speed and intensity as the time decreases.

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