WOD – Friday 9/14

A couple of announcements, try to read through the whole thing. I promise I am not just talking to talk.
1. The hike is this Saturday. It is going to be beautiful out and should prove to be an awesome day on the mountain. If you are interested but haven’t signed up yet, please let a coach know so we can email you the information.
2. LumberJack is quickly approaching. If you are interested, want a t-shirt and food, you must sign up ASAP.
3. PortBurn is coming. It is going to be absolute fire. Pun intended. If you haven’t signed up yet, there are a few spots left in a few of the days. Please email info@crossfitportsmouth.com if you want to reserve your ticket to sweatville.
4. September is goal month. Get your goal on the board. Something you can accomplish in the 3 weeks left in September.

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, barbell warm-up as a class
1 round
10 strict press
10 front squats
2 rounds
8 push press
8 front squats
3 rounds
6 thrusters (could add a little weight here)

Front rack, front squat and OH mobility

Thruster – find a heavy double
Off the rack, and looking back to the 3RM you found in August. Try to beat that.

“Franchise Tag”
2 min AMRAP
10 thrusters (115/75#)(95/65#)
12/10 cals AB
Max effort burpees
Rest 1:00, x5
So 2 min on the clock; must complete 10 UB thrusters and 12/10 cals on the bike. With the time remaining, complete as many burpees as possible. You are going to get a minute off between rounds so really push that bike. Try to get at least :30 to complete the burpees. Fight for every rep, total burpees will be your score.

Accessory Work
Banded high pulls – accumulate 100
Banded good mornings – accumulate 100

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