WOD – Monday 10/9

Make sure your team series scores for week 1 are in the book before the end of classes on Monday. Week 2’s workout will be released for classes on Thursday. It’s another good one.

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 3 rounds
10 deadlifts
10 bent over rows
10 strict press

Hmastrings and wrists

A. Weightlifting complex – 1 deadlift + 1 power clean; cluster format 1.1
Rest :10 between reps
Rest 2:00 between sets
Add weight after each set, build to a max.
One deadlift then a TnG power clean. Rest :10 between each rep, 2:00 between each cluster. Should start at a pretty challenging weight and build to a max weight.

B. Wide grip pull-ups – 6×4
*outside shoulder width grip
Partner assisted
Body weight
Add weight
Grip is super wide. Really focusing on lat engagement, range of motion, and a huge squeeze at the top. Make sure you focus on choosing the best progression for you. Make them really hard. Rest as needed between sets.

Interval Work
Bike sprints – can be finished post class.
8 rounds of :15 hard/1:30 off

Accessory Work
Spend 3:00 in plank position
Banded tricep push-downs – accumulate 80t

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