Sometimes it’s incredible how things play out. The past 4 weeks we have been examining our core values at CrossFit Portsmouth. So far we discussed the imPORTance of integrity, humility, hard work and gratitude. This week we look at our last core value, consistency. And what better time to focus on staying consistent than during the holidays. With all of the celebrating, it is one of the toughest times of the year to find a spare moment, nevermind consistent time to put in quality work at the gym. But if we prioritize the process, creating time to come workout becomes much easier. Each of us should search for balance over the next couple of weeks, and we might not be coming as many days a week as we want, but coming when you can and working hard while you’re here will make a huge difference.
This is a shortened week because of the holidays. Please make sure you know the holiday schedule
December 23rd – full day
December 24th – just an 8:30am
December 25th and 26th – closed
December 27th – back to normal schedule
December 31st – just an 8:30am
January 1st – closed
January 2nd – 9, noon and 4:15
January 3rd – normal schedule
Non-Specific Warm-up
Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 2 rounds
10 wall balls
15 sit-ups
50′ bear crawl
Specific Warm-up
3 rounds w/stretching in between
10 back squats
10 good mornings
Pigeon, spiderman, standing quad
A1. Back squats – 3×5; all done @100% of week 1’s heaviest sets
A2. Bent over rows – 3x8e, barbells or dumbbells
*Make sure you are sticking to the plan, this program works.
“Desperate Measures”
15 min AMRAP
9 power cleans (135/95#)(115/75#)
15 wall balls
21 sit-ups
Simple here, longer time domain. Challenge yourself on the power cleans. Good catch, high on the shoulders, especially under fatigue. If these start to look soft, coaches will take weight off for you.
Cool Down
Lax ball bottom of the foot
Foam roll the back of the legs