The Open is coming…
Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then 3 rounds of
5 down dog push-ups
10 air squats
5 strict pull-ups
Spiderman, couch, pigeon…
You know the deal.
A1. Box squats – 5×5
A2. Banded high pulls – 3×15
Wide stance, wider than normal, weight in the heels and vertical shins. I cannot emphasize that enough. VERTICAL SHINS!!!!!
“In the Rain”
5 rounds
10 hang cleans (135/95#)(115/75#)
:20 sprint on AB
Rest 3:00
*hang cleans must be UB
Big time chaos. Make it hurt. The weight on the bar must represent the heaviest weight you can manage for 10 unbroken hang cleans. Obviously, you shouldn’t be going heavier than Rx, but those who are scaling might want to test out a set of 10 before committing to a specific weight.
Cool Down
5 minutes of a slow row and 3 minutes of a lax ball on your foot.