WOD – Monday 2/19

So Thursday is the first day of the 2018 Open season. The workout will be released at 8pm that night and we will complete the WOD’s during the 3 classes Saturday Mornings. In order to come in and get your workouts in, you will need to reserve a spot using Wodify. We will be capping these classes for obvious reasons. If you sign up for the 7am, you will treat is as you would any other class. We will be warming you up, stretching you out and then sending heats. You cannot just show up whenever you want and put your name on the whiteboard. We have over 100 athletes participating in this year’s Port Open so a little bit of organization will help this be the best year yet. If you cannot come to the classes on Saturday morning, you can do the WOD’s in class as long as you bring your own judge and ok it with your coach.

If you have any questions, please ask a coach. Let’s make this year the best one yet. Boys vs girls. Kings vs Queens. Who is going to come out on top?

Sign into Wodify and spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 3 rounds
15 air squats
10 push-ups
5 strict pull-ups or 10 ring rows

CFP squat mobility

A. Back squat – 1×5@70%, 1×5@75%
and 3×3@80%
B. Squat clean – work up past weights you plan on using in WOD
Slight going to start the open week off with some lifting with relatively low volume. Make sure you understand the importance of deloading and sticking to percentages. The back squat shouldn’t take longer than 15 minutes. The next 10 minutes can be spent warming up the squat clean past the weight that you plan on finishing with in the WOD.

“Tough Call”
Squat cleans
After every ‘set’ of squat cleans, complete…
8 bar facing burpees
10/8 cals AB
12t walking lunges
Rx weights – 135/95, 165/115, 185/125, 205/140, 225/155#
Scaled weights – 95/65, 115/75, 135/95, 165/115, 185/125#
So the reps of the squat cleans go down, but the weight significantly increases. If you are a percentage person, the last weight could be between 85 and 95% depending on how comfortable you are with that kind of weight, at high heart rate and extreme fatigue. Everybody is going to increase weight but you should scale based on that last weight. There is no rest between rounds, but if you go all out, it will take too much time to recover before you can lift again, so be smart and focus on your pace.

Accessory Work
Banded good mornings – accumulate 100
Banded ab pull-downs – accumulate 100

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