WOD – Monday 4/17

Sorry about the late post. Something about this weather, family and the holidays. I hope everyone had a great weekend. Let’s kick the week off with a strong showing on Monday. Back at those squats.

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 3 rounds
10 air squats
5 push-ups
10 sit-ups
5 pull-ups or ring rows

CFP squat mobility session

Back Squat – Week 2 Day 1
1×10 @60%, 1×8 @65%, 1×6 @70%, 1×6 @75%, and 1×6 @80%
All off your 1RM, not your training max. Make sure to take plenty of rest between sets, at least 2:00.

“Black Beatles”
600m run
30 pull-ups
400m run
20 pull-ups
200m run
10 pull-ups
Should be a good day to get some running in. Try to come in, take a few deep breaths and bite off huge chunks of pull-ups. Those of you who cannot Rx this workout should be scaling it to the hardest possible progression. Remember, no kipping with bands.

Accessory work
Banded ab pull downs – 3×20

Banded tricep push downs – 3×20

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