WOD – Monday 5/14

I hope all our CrossFit Portsmouth mom’s had a great Mother’s Day. We have some of the strongest, most badass, women on the planet. You guys are truly inspiring and set an incredible example for not only your children but others who hope to be as amazing as you are, someday.

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 3 rounds
5 Samson stretches
10 KB swings
5 inchworms

Hanging KB hamstring stretch

Deadlift – find a new 3RM in 6 to 8 attempts
Given your 3RM is somewhere between 90 and 95% of your 1RM, how do you plan your lifting session to best prepare you for reaching a new milestone. Build to quickly and you won’t be warmed up enough, build too slowly and you will wear out well before getting up into the higher percentages. What’s your plan?

16 min AMRAP
400m run
15 burpees to a 45# plate, then G2OH with that plate (45/25#)(25/15#)
This burpee starts with you holding a plate, and it’s finished with that plate over your head. In between, you must burpee with your chest to the plate and then a G2OH. The ground to overhead should be done with an emphasis on hip extension. You cannot drop the plate at all, ever. Take it home with you.

Accessory Work
Banded pull-throughs – accumulate 100
GHD back extensions – accumulate 60

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