WOD – Monday 7/16

Week one of the challenge is over and you guys put up some serious burpee numbers. Make sure you are entering your scores into Wodify for these challenges. They can be found in the WOD section. Week 2 is going to hurt a little more. This weeks challenge is going to be ME cals on the assault bike in :90. Make sure you pace this one out, or don’t and see if you can hold on. Can anyone get 90?

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 3 rounds
15 air squats
10 push-ups
5 pull-ups

The Port Squat Mobility Series

A. Back squat – 6×3; 70% and up
B. Warm-up deadlift to WOD weight
Whenever you get a rep scheme like a 6×3, determining where to start and what sets to count matters a lot. All 6 sets should be working sets and any time you think about working sets you must put 70% on the bar for them to count. Which means warm up to around 70% and then count that first set when you finally get there. Keep adding weight.

60 wall balls
40 burpee touches
20 deadlifts (275/185#)
*12 min CAP
We did this one in February. One round, AFAP. Look back and see how you did, what weight you used, and maybe how you approached it. I would look to go unbroken in this one. But can you hold on long enough? Go for broke on the wall balls, recover and pace out the burpees and then try not to put the bar down.

Accessory Work
Straight leg, weighted sit-ups – accumulate 60
Plank holds – accumulate 5:00

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