WOD – Monday 8/26

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 3 rounds
15 sumo squats
10 KB deadlifts
5e spiderman stretches w/rotation

Squat mobility based on strength

CF Strength
Box squats- 5×5@70% of your 1RM back squat
Warm-up and keep to a strict minute rest between working sets.
Just so you are aware of the progression of your box squat cycle, next week we will spend our last week in our 5×5. We will then move to 8×3’s at a slightly lower box height with increasing percentages. After those 3 weeks we will retest not only our box squat but our deadlift as well. If you stick to your percentages and focus on your form during these lifts, you will be very happy with your results.
Remember with the box squat
1. Vertical shins at the bottom
2. No rocking off of the box to stand up.

“We were”
5 rounds
:30 ME burpees
Rest :30
:30 ME cals AB
Rest :30
This is interval work at it’s finest. Stay in the moment and really focus on each :30 at a time. Understand that each interval is part of the bigger picture and pace it a little bit faster than you would a 5 minute workout. Normal pace in such a workout is going to be full throttle, now add in rest between each movement and you should have the pedal to the metal from the very beginning.

Score will be total reps.

1. Bodybuilding – 3 or 4 rounds
10 laying rolling tricep extensions
10 DB incline bench press
15 empty BB curls
20 GHD sit-ups
2. Banded work – accumulate 100 each
Banded seated rows
Banded pull-throughs
3. Unilateral work –
Reverse lunges – 4 or 5 sets of 8 each leg
4. Gymnastics – T2B or C2B endurance cycle
A. T2B: complete 5 sets of 8 reps unbroken AFAP
B. C2B: complete 5 sets of 8 reps unbroken AFAP
Cool Downs for week 3 and 4
A. Shoulder focus
600m ski
Then, banded shoulder drills
2:00 accumulated in laying DB extension
B. Leg focus
40 cals row
2:00 in pigeon
2:00 in spiderman
C. Full body
3 rounds
1:00 on AB
1:00 in the bottom of your squat
:30 in downward dog
:30 in hollow hold

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