WOD – Monday 8/6

What a truly amazing experience. Lunny is such an amazing person and competitor. Her outlook and philosophies are unreal. I learned so much, soaked in every second and came away with such a new appreciation for all the athletes involved.

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 3 rounds
10 KB deadlifts
10 goblet squats

Couch stretch
Front rack and ankle mobility

A. Front squat – 6×3; AHAP
*looking to 7/27, make all sets heavier
B. Deadlift – warm up for the WOD
The goal of the front squat is not to find a 3RM, but to accumulate as much volume as possible by the end of the 6 sets. Of course, all reps need to be done in the working set range which is 70% and up. So look back to your pause front squats from 2 weeks ago, look to your 1RM or 3RM and make a solid plan. Warm-up and change the plan based on how the early sets feel.

“The Collesium”
5 rounds
12/10 cals AB
6 deadlifts (275/185#)(225/155#)
*10 min time cap
Heavy and fast. Think between 50 and 60% of your 1RM. All reps should be hard, but singles are not allowed. You do not have to go unbroken, but you must put reps together. Doubles or even triples.

Accessory Work
3 rounds
20 GHD sit-ups
10e banded rotations

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