WOD – Monday 9/14

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 3 rounds
10t bird dogs
10 slow goblet squats
10 banded glute bridges

A1. Back squat – 2/3×5
This means 2 build up sets that are challenging, then 3 sets of almost a max effort. Not a 5×5, more of a 3×5; AHAP and across.
A2. Standing banded ab pull-down – 5×10

A1. Suitcase step-ups – 4x6e
A2. Standing banded ab pull-down – 4×10

3 rounds
30 air squats
200m run
10 power cleans (135/95#)
Rest 1:00 between rounds

3 rounds
30 air squats
200m run
15 Russian KBS
Rest 1:00 between rounds

Fathom – we are going to put a 15 min cap on this workout, so moderate in length with a rest built-in
Gear – times of a much higher heart rate than yesterday. Going to feel slightly like sprinting and resting.
Knots – knowing there is a minute between rounds, push a little bit harder than you normally would. That means, make the runs hurt a bit and go unbroken on the barbell. Then spend the minute with recovery at the forefront of your minds. Big breaths, little water, and stay focused.
Current – be respectful when coming in from your run and starting fitness in your square

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