WOD – Monday 9/28

Spend 2 minutes on a rower, increasing in intensity
Then, 3 rounds
10t bird dogs
10 banded glute bridges
10 banded squats w/tempo 3111

A1. Back squat – 2/3×5
Look back to 5/14 and build on all 5 sets.
A2. Standing banded ab pull-down – 5x10e

A1. Front rack KB box squats – 5×8; slow and controlled
A2. Standing banded ab pull-down – 5x10e

5 rounds
60 DU’s
20t goblet lunges
10 to 15 HSPU

5 rounds
200m run, 250m row or 12/10 cals AB
20t goblet lunges
15 to 20 push-ups

Fathom – shorter workout here but still in the moderate time domain
Gear – will feel very different from yesterday, spend your time in a different gear and a different lane
Knots – really push the pace and get it done before it starts to hurt. If the HSPU number is going to make you break it up more than once, find a rep scheme that will allow you to keep moving. You are allowed to break it up once per round, maybe twice. But you can’t do these in 4 sets.
Current – from you square to the wall and back

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