WOD – Monday 9/11

Can you believe that the terrorist attack was 16 years ago? So much has changed. Thinking back, I was in the common room of the dining hall at UNH. A freshman in college. Unbelievable. Where were you? What was life like then?

Let’s crush today. Because why the hell not?

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
The, 3 rounds
10 levers
10 push-ups
10 squats

Hamstring mobility

Sumo deadlift – work up to a heavy triple in no more than 8 heavy attempts. Think about volume here.
The sumo deadlift is a fantastic way to switch up the pull from the floor. Engages different muscles and priorities different muscle groups. Make sure stance is outside of your shoulders, and your grip is right on the border of the knurling. I want you to really think about accumulating volume rather than worrying about hitting some big number. Huge jumps to save energy won’t work today. Build with that intention.

“Bold Intentions”
3 min AMRAP
7 thrusters (95/65#)(75/55#)
7 OtB burpees
Rest 5:00, x2
100% effort. Try to match scores on second AMRAP. The rest interval should allow you to fully recover and then match the same level of intensity on the second AMRAP. Thrusters need to be UB. 5:00. Leave nothing in the tank on this one.

Accessory Work
Banded leg curls – accumulate 100t; fast and explosive
Active hang – accumulate 3:00

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