500m row/400m run/ 2:00 bike
3 rounds
15 wall ball sit ups
10 wall balls
5 burpee broad jumps
3:00 with Lax ball on shoulders, traps, Lats
Banded shoulder mobility
Skill work – Pull-ups, handstands, HSPU’s, HS walks, muscle ups
8-10 minutes to work on a gymnastics skill
*If strength is focus, work on weighted pull-ups or even strict muscle up work.
6×4 climbing in weight.
HS/HSPU work – 5-10 box piked HSPU’s or :20 hold on box (w/shoulder taps)
“Bump and Grind”
With a partner, alternate rounds of row/DB thrusters;
10 cals on a rower
10 DB thrusters (45/30#)
15 cals on a rower
15 DB thrusters (45/30#)
20 cals on a rower
20 DB thrusters (45/30#)
15 cals on a rower
15 DB thrusters (45/30#)
10 cals on a rower
10 DB thrusters (45/30#)
*P1 does 10 cals/10 DB thrusters, then P2 does 10 and 10. Then 15 and 15, etc.
Extra Credit
Cool down and shoulder recovery