WOD – Tuesday 2/8

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Make sure you sign up for the CFP team open. Last call for that and a t-shirt is next Wednesday.

Classic CFP dynamic warmup w/coach led joint mobility; neck to ankles.

Jason’s specialty OH mobility session – Load up the bar on a rack and work your trap by pushing against the bar onto your trap moving your arm from internal rotation in extension to external extension in flexion (overhead position) Half the class start with this and the other half roll your upper back with a lax ball then switch.

Push press – 8 min EMOM; complete 1×3@60-70%

“I just like to go fast…”
All sprints…
:30 hang power cleans (95/65#)
:30 box jumps (24/20″)
:30 cals on AB/AD
Rest 3:00, x5
*this is a WOD that we’ve been doing every 3 months. It shows big time improvement and should be all out. Make sure transitions are fast.

Cool down, rest, recover and re-hydrate

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