WOD – Saturday 10/14

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 3 rounds
15 KBS
10 light wall balls

With a light band;
Dislocates, figure 8’s, high pulls, the works.
With your bar on the rack;
Standing child’s pose and sink stretch

Strict press – 5×5; building to a new 5RM
Still working on fixing the gyms issue with stabilizing a load overhead. So really focus on maintaining a neutral spine and avoid overextending. Really watch the lockout positions today and make you are finishing with the press where they should be. Slightly behind the ears.

3 rounds
500m row
15 deadlifts (185/125#)(165/105#)
15 box jumps (24/20”)
CrossFit triplet. Deadlifts are lighter than normal to keep people moving. No secrets to this one, Legs will fall apart here.

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