WOD – Saturday 10/8

Tobi with an amazing 2nd place finish in the Masters Division at LJ2016! So proud of all the CFPer’s that took on the lumberjack in the rain.

Smash feet and legs
2 min bike or row
3 rounds at least one done with a bar
5 good mornings
10 strict press
5 front squats
10 jerk drops

PVC shoulder stretches, partner shoulder stretches, bully stretch, sink/reverse sink

Jerk – 10×2; start light and add weight after each double
*can be split or push
Off the rack, only good movements today. If new or inexperienced with the movement, stay light and fast. If you are comfortable and demonstrate proficiency, build.

“Rising Tide”
E3:00 for 15:00
:30 L-hold hang
200m run
15 burpee box jump overs (24/20#)
*The L-hold is from the rig, but it can be done on the rings, on the Pbars or sub plank hold
You will all “start” together every time so you can L-hold/L-sit w/the same running clock. You should be getting at least :45 off. If that is not the case then decrease the number of BBJO’s required in each round to 10. Follow the progressions for the L-sit.
1. Tuck sit – knee tuck on rig, ring or parallette bars
*bring knees up as high as you can and hold
2. Half tuck sit – one knee tucked as high as you can the other leg straight on rig, ring or parallette bars
3. L-sit – both leg straight on rig, ring or parallette bars

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