WOD – Saturday 11/25

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, PVC mobiliy as a group
CFP snatch warm-up with focus on power position

Snatch complex – 1 power snatch + 1 hang snatch + 1 TnG snatch
We are going to warm you up and then let you loose on this one. There will be no scheduled lifts, however, timing your lifts really helps you control volume while getting important practice reps. Sometimes when you get a certain amount of time, lifting with no plan often doesn’t provide enough reps under the bar. This complex is a great time to work on form and technique. So it is imperative to climb slowly and have a plan of attack. Or turn your time into an EMOM.

“Dead Center”
16 min AMRAP
250m row
10 back squats (185/125#)(155/105#)
20 sit-ups
Back squats are off a rack. If there are not enough racks, studs can clean and put the bar on their backs. If you are a percentage person. Think between 45 and 55% of your 1RM back squat.

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