WOD – Saturday 2/8

3 rounds
400/300m row
15 banded good mornings

Posterior chain prep for strength

Deadlift – 3×3; AHAP
Not a ton of volume here, just a session to get you primed for the workout while maintaining your strength in our deadlift cycle.

“Truck Stop”
3 min AMRAP
21/17 cals row
7 burpee box jump overs
ME deadlifts in time remaining (135/95#)
Rest 2:00, x5
Intended stimulus – use your understanding of work to rest intervals to pace out these three minute AMRAP’s. Unlike the mini workouts we did last Sunday, these end with a max effort piece so coming out a bit hotter might pay off in the long run. To give you even more of a reason, you are going to get 2 full minutes off between rounds. Get a good number in the first round and try to hold on for the rest of the metcon.

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