WOD – Saturday 2/11

Bye, bye old rowers. Hello, brand new rowers.

We are getting rid of all the old rowers and upgrading to brand new ones. That means you need to make more of an effort to take care of them so they last. After every workout, each rower should be wiped down (screen, seat, handle and rail) and put away properly (the oar is back and the screen is down and protected). If we all spend an extra 2 minutes, these rowers should stay in perfect condition for a long time. Coaches will make sure to remind you of this, I am sure.

Spen 2 minutes in Z1
2 rounds
20t walking lunges
10 kips on the bar
5 strict pull-ups or ring rows

Quick group mobility session, coach led.

4 rounds, NFT
A1. Kneeling to standing – 4e side
A2. Bent over rows – 8e side
A3. Seated SA press – 6e side
*sitting on the floor, legs slightly bent
Everything here can be done with dumbbells or kettle bells to hopefully alleviate some of the problems we’ve been having with Saturday class size. We will be adding a class to our Saturday morning repertoire, but until we figure out logistics I am going to plan for all 200 members showing up for either the 8 or 9.

“Double Bubble”
2 rounds
30 box jumps (24/20”)
30 S2OH (95/65#)(75/55#)
30 T2B/K2E
30 cals AB
20:00 cap

Accessory Work
Accumulate 4:00 in a wall sit

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