WOD – Saturday 3/3

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 3 rounds
5 inchworms w/push-up
10 air squats

Movement specific mobility session.
Mostly prepping for the squat clean


10 liftoffs
10 hang to shrug
10 muscle cleans
10 front squats
10 hang squat cleans
10 full squat clean

Squat clean – build to a heavy triple
You are going to have to lift a pretty heavy weight cold. Do not confuse the fact that you will be sweaty as you are ready to lift. Your system will not be prepped for heavy weight so take the time in the strength session to prep.

When thinking about your first lift, I would recommend staying towards the lighter side of 70%. It won’t use a ton of energy and it will help get your body back on the same page as your brain. From there you have two choices. Lift like an EMOM and make smaller jumps, or take a little bit longer to rest and take bigger jumps. Hitting anywhere between 80 to 85% after the workout would be a huge accomplishment. So have a goal and build a plan.

CrossFit Games Open 18.2
1/1.2/2.3/3.4/4.5/5.6/6.7/7.8/8.9/9.10/10 reps
DB squats (50/35#)
Bar-facing burpees
*12-minute time cap
CrossFit Games Open 18.2A
With time remaining, find a 1RM clean

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