WOD – Saturday 4/8

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 3 rounds
10 push-ups
10 ring rows
10 OHS w/PVC

10 dislocates before the PVC’s go away
Rotational drills with 2.5’s or 5’s
Pec stretch on the wall

Bench Press – 6×3; all triples as heavy as possible
Please make sure you treat the bench like anything else. Your coach is going to give you a few cues. Make sure you listen to the proper way to set up the bench and the bar, how to keep you back and feet in contact with the bench and ground at all times, and how to stay active as you press the bar through the concentric part of the lift.

“Hot Diggity-Dog”
3 rounds
400m run
30t OH walking lunges (45/25#)(25/15#)
20 box jumps
Lots of legs.

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