WOD – Saturday 8/12

Dynamic warm-up
Joint mobility as a class

12 min EMOM
1. 3-6 strict ring dips with :02 hold at the top and bottom
2. 8-10 T2B
3. 15 GHD sit-ups
*This EMOM can quickly get written off because of its lack of a barbell, but a day like today is just as important. We can prioritize form and work on moving well and efficiently through each body weight movement.

“Rain’s a Comin'”
3 rounds
200m farmers carry (45/25#x2)
20 OH lunges w/1 plate
20 G2OH
20 box jumps
*must step down
**20:00 cap
You do not get to put fingers in the middle of the plate, find weights that you can carry by holding the top.
This one will be close to reaching that time cap. You must keep moving. Scale the farmers carry if you need to. That will be the most challenging part.

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