Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 3 rounds
5 strict pull-ups or 10 ring rows
10 push-ups
15 OHS w/PVC
20 sit-ups
Real good warm-up of the arms and chest
Rope climbs – work on technique for 15 minutes. Do not accumulate a ton of reps, but practice footwork, do a perfect pull and then come off the rope. It should be used as a time to get better at the movement, not to get a ton of reps in.
Understand that it takes a lot of practice to get good at movements like these, and we don’t practice in WOD’s. Practice is done at low heart rate. So really utilize this time to it’s fullest potential.
“Micheal, Micheal, Motorcycle”
3 rounds
2/1 rope climbs
18 cals on rower
15 over the bar burpees
12 T2B
9 power snatch (95/65#)(75/55#)
200m med ball carry