WOD – Sunday 11/17

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then 3 rounds
15 air squats
10 push-ups
5 strict pull-ups or ring rows w/a :01 pause

Group mobility session

1:30 wall sit
Immediately into
TABATA hollow hold
Immediately into
1:30 wall sit

“Dunk Tank”
4 min AMRAP
300m run in a 10m shuttle run
25/20 cals row
ME burpee touches with time remaining
Rest 3:00, x3
Intended Stimulus – Since each round is 4 minutes, sprinting might not be the best approach, but, pushing the pace will get you to the burpee touches with plenty of time to accumulate some reps. See if you can maintain the same number of burpees each round.

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