WOD – Sunday 2/10

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, class mobility and an evolving barbell warm-up
Deadlifts/hang cleans/full cleans
Press/push press/push jerks

Power clean and jerk – build up to 75% of 2/4, then complete 2 reps EMOM for 5 minutes total. Not TnG
We are going to build off this week’s banded deadlifts. So if you missed Monday, you have two options. Just ignore it and move forward, or make it up today so that you have the numbers you need to participate in these sessions. We will see these power clean and jerks again based on the deadlifts, so you won’t completely miss out, but having accurate numbers will only help your progress.

Build up to 75% of 2/4, then complete all sets across at that weight. Not TnG.

“Let me Loose”
10 thrusters (65/45#)(55/35#)
1000m row
20 thrusters
1 mile bike
30 thrusters
The Port version of a .com workout. Looked like a good one to incorporate some high heart rate thrusters with a relatively lower weight. Some can go right to the rower after the first set of thrusters while some can go to the bike. Either way it is going to sting the same.

Much lighter barbell than Fran so really hammer down on those big sets.

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