WOD – Sunday 2/17

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 10.8.6
Hang cleans
Front squats
*all 10’s, then all 8’s and finish with all 6’s
**the S2OH movements should evolve; strict press, push press and then push jerk

Shoulder mobility

Push jerk – 1×5 between 80 and 85%, .1×3 between 85 and 90% and 1×1 above 90%
We have been really focusing on how to really harness the power of the legs and hips when pulling a bar off the ground. What muscles play a role and when. But we should also understand that these S2OH movements require just as much power from the legs. Push jerks and split jerks should be considered a leg driven movement with the shoulders only doing anywhere from 20 to 30% of the work. So use those legs in all 3 sets of this lift.

“Fender Bender”
OH lunges (45/25#)
G2OH with the plate
100m farmer’s carry after every round
The farmer’s carries are done with 2 plates held at the tops, not in the holes. Make these really challenging, so find some plates that work your grip strength.

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