WOD – Sunday 2/25

Sign into Wodify and spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 3 rounds
10 push-ups

Spend some time in the couch and spiderman position. Work shoulders through full ROM. Make sure the week has been stretched out.

Front rack carry – with a partner, accumulate as many meters as possible in 10 minutes. One person working at a time, switch whenever you want.
2 KB’s held in the front rack position. Which means they sit on the front of the shoulders, not anywhere near the back. Elbows up, core engaged. Just like a front squat.

“Less Resistance”
3 min AMRAP
20/16 cals AB
15 burpees over the barbell
10 OHS (95/65#)(75/55#)
Rest 3:00, x4

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