There she is, the world famous, nationally published, CFP/Port Intramural Open Trophy
Bye, bye old rowers. Hello, brand new rowers.
We are getting rid of all the old rowers and upgrading to brand new ones. That means you need to make more of an effort to take care of them so they last. After every workout, each rower should be wiped down (screen, seat, handle and rail) and put away properly (the oar is back and the screen is down and protected). If we all spend an extra 2 minutes, these rowers should stay in perfect condition for a long time. Coaches will make sure to remind you of this, I am sure.
Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 3 rounds of perfect movement
10 push-ups
10 air squats
10 hanging knee raises
Banded shoulder mobility
10 strict T2B
15 GHD sit-ups
10 half kneeling, high to low wood choppers
1:00 weighted plank hold
“Last Second Win”
E2:30 on a 15:00 running clock
10 thrusters (95/65#)(75/55#)
10 C2B
:30 max cals on rower
*score is total cals