WOD – Sunday 2/7

If you want to be on an open team and get a shirt, you need to be signed up by Wednesday, Feb 17th.

CFP dynamic warm-up w/coach led joint mobility
Extra mobility based on strength

Make up a strength you missed.
Monday: Strict press – build up to a heavy double. Looking to hit more then 1/6
Tuesday: Pull work – work up to a heavy triple district pull-up in 5-6 sets. THEN, 3 ME sets unweighted.
Wednesday: Back squat – find a new 1RM
Thursday: Partner Clean and jerk – 12 minutes to find a heavy single
Friday: Snatch complex – 1 power snatch + 3-5 OHS
*very Ind. based, talk to a coach
Saturday: MU progressions based on weaknesses

“Back Court”
20 min AMRAP
3 rounds of;
3 cleans (135/95#)(115/75#)
3 front squats
3 jerks
300m row
25 DU’s
200m run (10 cals on bike)
2 rounds;
3 cleans
3 front squats
3 jerks
300m row
25 DU’s
200m run (10 cals on bike)
1 round;
3 cleans
3 front squats
3 jerks
300m row
25 DU’s
200m run (10 cals on bike)

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