WOD – Sunday 3/24

3 rounds increasing in intensity
:30 on AB
:15 walking rest
:30 goblet squats
:15 walking rest
:30 push-ups with 2 shoulders taps
:30 rest

Front squat mobility session
Make sure to spend enough time in couch stretch
Ankles and front rack should be a priority as well

Front Squat – 3×3 between 70 and 75% with a :02 pause in the hole
Simple but heavy. 3 sets of 3 between 70 and 75% is quite the task especially given the pause at the bottom. We use the pause for two reasons.
1. It decreases the weight needed to make you work really hard. Because it prevents you from using the stretch reflex at the bottom of the squat, because it requires you to hold an incredible amount of core engagement and because your time under tension is almost doubled, 75% might feel like 100% for 3. So we need less weight to produce the same stimulus.
2. It trains you to use your front squat to improve your clean. When you catch a heavy clean, you will find the bottom of your front squat. However, if you are not training that position when you front squat, you might find it impossible to stand up. So using a pause, we try to recreate a heavy clean and use it as an opportunity to build strength out of the hole. Today, try to find that bottom, as hard as it might be.

“Line ’em Up”
3 rounds
200’ farmers carry
20 strict press (75/55#)(65/45#)
20t front rack lunges
20 cal row
Such a cool workout. There is something for everyone in this one. The barbell is going to be light because all of the S2OH are strict presses. No knee bend at all. The same bar is then put in the front rack position for the lunges. Try to break it up so you go straight from your last press right into your first lunge. All bars are coming off the ground, so be smart with your reps and sets.

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