WOD – Sunday 5/19

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 3 rounds
:20 bar hang
5 strict pull-ups
:20 plank hold
5 pull-ups
:20 wall sit
5 slow air squats

Thin banded shoulder mobility

3 rounds
10t KB push press
100’ SA farmers carry, right hand
100’ SA farmers carry, left hand
*70/53# or 53/35#
In the business, we call this grunt work. Just old fashioned hard work done with convenient tools instead of bags of mulch. Make this as hard as you can with the goal of getting a little bit stronger doing something kind of new and different.

“Sheriff you want to”
8 rounds
:40 Russian KBS
:20 rest
:40 cals AB
:20 rest
Another day, another workout with intervals. Different day, different time frames. Meaning your approach should be different then it has been. Last time we were on the bike it was part of a 24 min EMOM where we worked for :50 and only got :10 of rest. That means the way you approached that workout

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