Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then dynamic warm-up and joint mobility as a class
15 min EMOM
1. 3-6 strict pull-ups w/3130 pace
*ninjas can go weighted but shouldn’t sacrifice tempo
2. 10-15 close grip push-ups
3. 15 GHD sit-ups
“The Squealer”
4 rounds
400m run
15 T2B
It’s time to run again. Scale the T2B however you need to but please make sure that we understand that there is an in-between movement. If T2B are too hard, but hanging knee tucks or K2E are too easy, then you should try to keep your legs straight and raise them up as high as you can. However, the most important part of these hanging hinging movements is to establish and hold the kip throughout the entire set. No 2 for 1’s.