Spend 2 minutes practicing DU’s
Then, 3 rounds
10 Russian KBS
5 burpees
10 air squats
Spend another 2 minutes on a jump rope
Banded shoulder mobility
15 min EMOM
1. 4-8 strict HSPU’s. Those that cannot, can sub in piked HSPU’s or seated DB press.
2. 5-10 strict T2B
3. 5-10 ring dips
“State Job”
1 round, AFAP
30 hang snatches (115/75#)(95/65#)
60 wall balls
90 cal row
Not much strategy here. Get to the rower as fast as you can so you can spend some time earning calories. This is a long row, so pacing it will mean the difference between a great time and not finishing at all.
Hurry up and wait, get it?