WOD – Sunday 6/3

Who’s starting their day off with a little yoga?

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 3 rounds
:20 HS hold; nose and toes. Must walk into it.
10 KB deadlifts
10t KB push press

Group mobility session prepping for some heavy work

“Farm Hand”
30:00 clock
Rounds are for quality, not time
5 wall walks
100’ sled pull (180/135#)(135/90#)
10 tire flips
100’ farmers carry
400m run
So a workout not for time at all. It is a day to come in and get a good sweat on. Come in and get through some really difficult work. The clock is there to tell you when to start and stop working. All of these movements should be done deliberately and with focus. If some of the equipment is taken, move on to the next movement and come back to it.

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