WOD – Sunday 8/6

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 2 rounds
10 wall balls
10 hanging knee tucks
10t bird dogs
10t deadbugs

2 minutes with a lax ball on the shoulders
2 minutes with a band

12 min EMOM
Evens – 3 to 5 strict HSPU’s
Odds – 3 to 5 strict chin-ups
*add weight to chin-ups if you can
Gymnastics EMOM for the week. Scale the movements to the hardest progression possible.

“Movin’ Up”
15 min AMRAP
30/24 cals on AB
21 push-ups
15 T2B
12t double KB front rack lunge (53/35#)(25/26#)
This one is going to hurt. Those double KB front rack lunges are brutal. Make sure you are comfortable with how to KB clean and understand what a front rack hold is and what isn’t. Way too many times I’ve seen the KB’s in the back rack.

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