WOD – Sunday 8/20

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 3 rounds
8e KB swings
8e KB or presses
8 strict pull-ups or ring rows

Banded shoulder mobility

A1. Strict press – 6×3; building
A2. Weighted pull-ups – 6×3; AHAP across

“Hard to Say”
4 rounds
200m SA farmers carry (53/35#)
10 ring dips
10 SA KB push jerks (left arm)
10 SA KB push jerks (right arm)
Round 1 you walk with the KB in your left hand, round 2 it’s in your right hand. You can take breaks, but you cannot switch hands mid round. When you get in the door, each round you complete the jerks with both hands, separately.

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