WOD – Sunday 9/2

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 3 rounds
6 burpee broad jumps
8 ring rows
10 air squats

Quick group mobility session
Being mindful of jumping muscles; quads, hamstrings, calves

Core focused
3 to 5 rounds
:05 hollow hold
5 crunches
5 v-ups
5e jackknives
:05 hollow hold
Rest :30 between rounds

“99 problems”
Teams of 3
231 cals AB
165 box jump overs (24/20”)
99 burpee pull-ups
Teams of 3. One person working at a time. Must finish one before moving on. Be smart and really utilize the fact have two partners. Remember BJO’s require everyone to jump. So find a box height you are comfortable with. Set up on the burpee pull-ups is critical. So make sure to find a bar that works for you and your partners.

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