**WOD – Team Series Week 4**

No strength this week. Only one workout and will be done in class on Friday. There will be a Friday night lights to give your team one more opportunity to get it in. Please try to make Friday work, if not you must get the permission of a coach to do it in class and you are only allowed to do it while the class WODs.

Rx –
18 min AMRAP
3/3, 6/6. 9/9
Clean and jerks (95/65#)

Scaled –
18 min AMRAP
3/3, 6/6. 9/9
Clean and jerks (75/55#)
Jumping pull-ups

M/F pair 1 go, complete 3 and 3, then M/F pair 2 do their 3 and 3.
M/F pair 1 then does 6 clean and jerks and 6 C2B, etc.

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