WOD – Thursday 10/25

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 3 rounds of
10 KB swings
5 kip swings
5 strict pull-ups or ring rows
10 push-ups

Group mobility session and prep for WOD

“Hotel Key”
Teams of 3
30 min AMRAP
80 SA DB hang clean and jerks (50/35#)
60 C2B
40 burpees
300m shuttle run (50 down and 50 back each)
Yes there will be more rest than normal, but each movement is going to really raise the heart rate. If you really break down partner WOD’s, they can be defined as interval work. So looking at this partner WOD, you might be getting more than a 1:1 work to rest ratio, meaning what? GO harder. More rest means more sweat equity.

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