WOD – Thursday 10/12

Team series workout number 2. Scores must be in by Monday by the end of classes.

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 3 rounds
10 push-ups
15 air squats
20 sit-ups

Banded shoulder mobility.

Team Series WOD #2
Complete the following, switch as needed…
100 cals AB
100 T2B/hanging leg raises
Rx partner must do T2B, scaled partner must do hanging leg raises.
All the calories must be completed before moving on to the T2B. Tiebreak time is time spent on the bike. In the hanging leg raises, the knees have to break parallel. These are not K2E, they are hanging leg raises.

Optional Strength
3 rounds
10 DB strict press
10 DB bicep curl
10 DB OH tricep extension

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