Remember what Mom used to say! Make sure to eat all your vegetables and do all your squats.
A lot coming up in the next few months at CFP! Make sure to look at the event board up front. Some new exciting things and a secret class announcement is in the near future. Get excited.
Also, don’t forget about the in-house competition vs CrossFit Free. We need all hands on deck. CFF already has 20+ teams signed up to take us on. You do not need to have competed in the Team Series or the Nutrition Challenge to take part in the whooping we are going to put on these guys. All WODs will be approachable to all athletes and points will be awarded to the gym with the most members participating. Head over to the FaceBook events page for more information and sign up in the gym!
#thebestthingsinlifearentfree (thanks Chad)
Spend 2 min in Z1
40 air squats
30 sit-ups
20 push-ups
10 ring rows
Back squat mobility series
A2. Back squat – 5×3; AHAP
A2. Pull-ups – 2×6-12 + 1 ME set (strict of course)
*2 reps short of failure
Team Series WOD
Week 5 (Rx)
200 wall balls (20/14#)
200 KBS (70/53#)
200 HSPU’s
Week 5 (Scaled)
200 wall balls (14/10#)
200 KBS (53/35#)
200 hand release push-ups
Class WOD
With a partner
200 wall balls
150 KBS (70/53#)(53/35#)
100 HSPU’s
Partners with work split up however they want, but only one woking at a time. Scale those HSPU’s!