Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 3 rounds
10 wall balls
10 mountain climbers
10 kip swings
Thruster prep; hips, quads, wrists and shoulders.
WOD Prep
2 rounds with lighter weight
5 thrusters
3 burpees of over the bar
Team Series WOD #3
Team Series WOD #3
Synchronized thrusters
Synchronized bar facing burpees
2 bars, obviously. Rx partner will use 95/65# while the scaled partner will use 65/45#. Just like the wall balls, thrusters need to be synchronized in the squat and in the lockout OH. The burpees must be synchronized with chest hitting the floor and with a jump over the bar. The scaled partner can step over the bar but must do so when the Rx partner is jumping.
Increasing reps is the worst. Just saying.