WOD – Thursday 11/1

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 3 rounds
10 step-ups to box jumps
10 S2OH
10 front squat to OHS

Posterior chain prep for deadlifts

Deadlift – 1.1.1, x5; building
*with band
Banded deadlifts do 2 things.
1. The reduce the overall effect on the CNS because much less weight is required to achieve the same stimulus.
2. With tension increasing at the lockout, more emphasis is put on squeezing the core. And less on the pull off the floor. If done correctly, there should be almost a 40# difference between the top and bottom. Very different from a conventional deadlift.

“I could’t ask for another”
24 min AMRAP w/your buddy
400m run
20 box jumps (24/20”)
20 push jerks (135/95#)(115/75#)
20 OHS
*Each athlete completes 10 reps

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