Remember PortWeights starts Today! We will be doing a lot of different variations of classic lifts. Banded deadlifts, squats with chains, incline bench press and all the accessory work you can handle. If you’d like to join us either Thursday at 8am or 5:15pm, shoot Sophie an email. There is one spot left in each class.
The Open is coming. We have been talking about it a little in class, but if you’d like a little more information on how we run it at CFP. The short explanation is that for 5 weeks, CrossFit corporate releases a workout every Thursday night that can be done in the gym from Thursday night to Monday night. We will be doing the workouts as a gym all day Friday. However, if you sign up for the intermural open, you will be put on a team and if you come simply wearing your team shirt during Friday Night Lights (4-6pm) you will earn your team 1 point. You don’t even have to do the workout that night, you just have to show up and show your team pride. The team with the most points at the end of the 5 weeks will earn their spot on the trophy. There are many more little rules and a ton of different categories to sign up for; Rx, scaled and even masters.
Here is the link to the facebook page. Let me know if you have any questions and if you’d like to sign up there is a binder up front. Get your name on the list so your eligible for the draft.
2 rounds with a partner
500m row (each), non-rowing partner is holding plank
10 partner wall balls
10 partner med ball sit-ups (passing it back and fourth)
2 position partner shoulder stretches
Focus on internal and external rotational drills
Laying on hands
800m farmers carry w/a partner (70/53#)(53/35#)
Awkward strength day. I don’t care if it’s cold, I don’t really care if it’s raining. I do care if it is dangerous. Icy, sub zero, coaches call class to class. If it isn’t going to happen, it isn’t going to happen. We will set it up inside.
Either way, two KB’s between two people. Switch whenever you want. Get it done.
5:00 rest, right into…
“Final Countdown”
With a 25:00 clock
75 C2B
100 DU’s
50 burpee box jump overs
100 DU’s
75 cleans (135/95#)(115/75#)
100 DU’s
Max calories on a rower with time remaining.
Accessory Work