WOD – Thursday 12/27

Resume normal schedule.

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
PVC moblity as a class
The Port’s snatch warm-up

The squat snatch – 6×1; singles should be all working singles, thinking 75% and up.
Must hit to move on, how far can you go?
Weakness work. Everyone is squat snatching. These have been looking really good. So come up with a plan if you want to build, or find a weight and stay across, totally up to you.

“Couples Karaoke”
5 rounds with a bud
400m row
30 wall balls
20 ring dips
10 squat snatches (155/105#)
Continuing with the very difficult squat snatch, putting it into the WOD simply makes everyone slow down. So taking our cues from above, determine a weight that is going to require you to take moment and hit deliberate singles. If you go too light here because of your confidence under the bar, you will move too quickly through the barbell portion. If that is the case, maybe changing the squat snatch to a heavy power snatch or even a squat clean might help you hit the intended stimulus.

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