WOD – Thursday 1/26

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then 3 rounds
20t walking lunges
10 sit-ups
5 inchworms w/up dog

Ankles, hips and quads.

A1. Front rack lunges – 4×10; 2KB’s AHAP
A2. V-ups – 4×15
A3. Banded pull throughs – 3×20

“Blind Mice”
Teams of 3; AFAP
200 cals on AB
150 cals on the rower
100 box jump overs (24/20#)
75 clean & jerks (135/95#)(115/75#)
15 rope climbs
We are going to try a 3 person team today, because why not? One person working at a time, other 2 partners rest. That means working partner should be crushing. You guys have been doing an amazing job scaling the rope climbs, so make sure every team is scaling those individually. Make it hard for each.

Accessory Work
Breathing work – 500m row x3 with 2:00 rest b/n
Hold a sustainable pace, but push them based on your fastest 500m

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