WOD – Thursday 2/1

Teammate Thursday!

Sign into Wodify and spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 3 rounds
8e KB clean
8 push-ups or dips
8 strict T2B or hanging leg raises
8e reverse lunges

Shoulder prep for bench – rotational drills to warm up rotator

10 min EMOM
Evens – 5 bench press
Odds – 15 weighted sit-ups
Bench presses should be fast. We are not building up to a max and should definitely be a lower percentage. Think speed work 50 to 60%. Understand that every day isn’t a day to build raw strength, the introduction of speed work in addition to strength work is super important to muscle endurance and overall health. Too much weight on the bar, at this rep count, won’t produce the physiological response we are looking for today, so be smart.

“Flat Tire”
With your best friend;
20 min AMRAP
100/80 cals AB
90 deadlifts (115/75#)(95/65#)
80/65 cals AB
70 hang cleans
60/50 cals AB
50 front squats
40/30 cals AB
30 S2OH
20/15 cals AB
10 squat cleans

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